OCR Grant Selection

Ohio Cancer Research funded investigators are exploring innovative areas of cancer research in the genetic causes and preventions of cancer, skin cancer, stomach cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, kidney cancer, breast cancer, leukemia, vaccine studies, DNA studies, and new therapeutic strategies.

Projects are selected by the OCR Scientific Review Committee with the help of out-of-state reviewers from across the country and the world. The Scientific Review Committee is comprised of doctors and scientists from around Ohio. Committee Chair, Matthew Summers, PhD, The Ohio State University, heads this distinguished panel of researchers and cancer experts.

Scientific Review Committee

Matthew K. Summers, Ph.D. – Chair
Associate Professor
Radiation Oncology
The Ohio State University

Ivana de la Serna, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Cell & Cancer Biology
University of Toledo

Michael Kemp, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Pharmacology & Toxicology
Wright State University

Song-Tao Liu, Ph.D.
Professor & Department Chair
Biological Sciences
University of Toledo

Andrew Volk, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Pediatrics
Cincinnati Children’s

Susan Cole, Ph.D.
Professor & Vice Chair
Molecular Genetics
The Ohio State University

Stephen Fink, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
Case Western Reserve University

Justin Lathia, Ph.D.
Professor & Vice Chair
Cellular & Molecular Medicine
Cleveland Clinic

Dayanidhi Raman, B.V.SC., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Cell and Cancer Biology
University of Toledo

Yong-Jie Xu, M.D., Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Pharmacology & Toxicology
Wright State University